Consider Making A Gift

You can feel confident that your tax-deductible donation will be put to good and immediate use to help place specially trained guide and service dogs free of charge to people who are blind, have low vision or have other special needs.  It costs over $50,000 to breed, raise, train, and place one guide dog; however, there is never a charge to the individual.

The Guide Dog Foundation relies on contributions from generous individuals, corporations, service clubs, and foundations who support the work we do; and your contributions are tremendously valuable to our program.

If you have any questions about making a donation to the Guide Dog Foundation, please call o (631) 930-9000 and ask to speak with a member of our Development team.

For our financials, click here .  For quick reference, the Foundation's EIN number is 11-1687477. 

Donate by Mail or by Phone

Send a check payable to the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind Inc. to:

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind
371 East Jericho Turnpike
Smithtown, NY 11787

You can call us at 631-930-9000 and a member of our Development team will gladly process your donation over the phone, or you can text to give by texting @guidedog to 52014.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by Powered by Double the Donation

Donate Online

Make a secure online contribution.  Donate money, vehicles, assets, electronics, gift cards and more.  We accept credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal.  Click the Donate Online link below to make a gift today.

Stock Transfers

Many donors choose to support their favorite charity through a gift of stock.  For instructions on how to transfer stock to the Guide Dog Foundation, click here .

Product Donation

The Foundation is always in need of gently used clean bath towels, baby wipes and Lysol wipes. For toys, the Kong Extreme Toys in large, XL or XXL, Nylabone and Pet Qwerks brand toys.

Questions? Contact: Volunteer Services, 631-930-9000 x1253

Text to Give

You can now Text GUIDEDOG10 to 20222 to make a $10 gift or GUIDEDOG25 to 20222 to make a $25 gift.

A one-time donation of $10 or $25 will be added to your mobile phone bill. All donations must be authorized by the account holder. Message & Data Rates May Apply. No standard text messaging fees are incurred by mobile users to initiate and complete a text message donation, and no portion of any amount donated is held by participating wireless providers. Terms and conditions .

Donations are passed through at 100% back to the beneficiary charity, and all mobile users can obtain a tax receipt for their donations made via text message by clicking here

Become a Guide Dog Foundation Visionary

Guide Dog Foundation Visionaries are supporters who make recurring monthly gifts to the Foundation. Choosing this option allows you to make automatic monthly installments rather than a single payment.

Fundraise for the Foundation

Hosting a fundraising campaign to benefit the Guide Dog Foundation is fun and we'll help make it easy to do.  Click the Create a Fundraiser button below to start your campaign.

Other Ways to Give

Gifts in Honor or Memory of Someone

You can make a donation to the Guide Dog Foundation in memory or honor of someone.  We offer several special gifts and honorariums for this special purpose. 

Payroll Deduction & Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)

For many people, including those who work for the military or a government agency, payroll deduction offers a convenient and simple way to support the causes you care about.  Click on the Learn More link below for additional details.

Attend a Foundation Event

Every year, the Foundation hosts several special events.  For more information about attending a Foundation event, click the Event Calendar link below.