Breeder Sitter
This is a specialized home that hosts breeding dogs for a short period of time. Breeder sitters may not have the time to commit to housing a breeder long-term, but still want to be involved in the breeding program. Breeder sitters will attend orientation and can attend breeder obedience classes as an observer to learn some of the things the breeding dogs are working on with their caretakers. Sitters will be given all the necessary supplies & special instructions (if required) needed to care for the breeding dog.
Breeder sitters may house intact males, intact females, pregnant females, potentially pregnant females, females who have recently weaned a litter, or females that are in season. When placing breeding dogs in sitter homes, the sitter’s current dogs will be taken into consideration to match reproductive status and gender of the dogs. Some sitters may not be able to act as sitters for breeding dogs based on the dog’s reproductive status.
Hours of volunteering: Varies. Most stays with breeder sitters will be two weeks or less. Longer stays will be considered on a case by case basis.
Requirements: Breeder sitters must have a fenced yard OR be willing to exercise and “busy” the breeding dog on lead only. Breeding dogs are NEVER allowed to be off leash in an unfenced area. Breeding dogs are never allowed to visit dog parks for free running opportunities. Sitters must attend either a Breeder Caretaker Orientation or a Temp Home Orientation, and have an assessment of dog handling skills done by GDF staff or senior volunteers.
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